DB: Lost against strong EVS B Team
The first game in the new season RIG Dam B had against EVS B. This team mixed with ex Elite players and young talents was a hard start and showed us what things we need to work on.
RIG B v EVS B 0-3 (18-25, 20-25, 12-25)
The match between RIG B and EVS B was a mix of ups and downs, mainly for RIG B. The first set started strong and the B team was able to stay with them most of the way. The second set saw a 9 point service run by EVS’s outside hitter Matilda Ekholm Engelholms, who delivered a killer serve. It caused a lot of trouble for our receiving line. The third set was interesting, with some players playing in different spots due to a mix up with the line up. However, RIG B soldiered on and did their best. EVS had a lot of momentum in that last set which was difficult to get under control. Their outside hitters and strong serving was the ultimate win for EVS. They ran their game, including good defense in the backrow.
Historically EVS has had a solid team. Engelholms Volley team was made up of esperienced ex Elite players and a couple of younger talents, like one of our own RIG alumni, Nora Andersson. Nora graduated this past June and joined her home club EVS for the upcoming season.
We saw good attacking from Sofia Stiernström who recorded 6 kills. Sandra Abrahamsson showed improvement in her explosiveness with 3 kills and 2 blocks.
It looks like RIG B will need to work hard with receive against a tough, fast serve and to become more discipline in the block in order to stop them next time.
Top Scorers:
Sofia Stiernstöm: 9
Sandra Abrahamsson: 5
Lisa Pettersson: 5
Evelina Grandberg: 5